Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find some frequently asked questions and other helpful information

Featured jobs are the first jobs people see in our search results. When someone searches for a job on, featured jobs are highlighted in search results. Featured jobs are also posted on different pages on our website. 

We provide a free service because we reply on display ads from third party. We use The Google Display Network to show display ads across our website. When a visitor clicks on any of these ads we earn a very small share of the revenue.

Sometimes we may show different programs and services across our website which we feel our visitors may benefit from. When a visitor chooses to click on the link from one of the programs or services and then makes a purchase we will receive a small commission. This helps to support our website.

We provide support via email only and aim to respond to all enquires within 24 hours. Due to the increase in spam and auto bots on the Internet today, we do not have any contact forms on our website.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact us, we will be more than happy to help.